Tuesday, July 13, 2010


LMAO!....Ushie Mane La Flare Huh man(Town Man voice)..........good times i tell you....good times

The Team

Well since this is the beginning of something epic...I personally would like to introduce to you the world the team...B.M.G....P.P.G...starting with Ush Mane(far left),Deezy(second left),Lyndell(middle back),Spoon G(second right),DJ(far right),Yung Rich(middle right),Jay Allen Wall(front),and myself CoffNast(middle left)...Oh yes there is more...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The New Picasso

Well I tell you...this guy, my flight associate..Spoon G, he can really do his thing with a pen a some paper...Kobe..Lebron..Jeezy did it best and auds to Spoon cause he did too. - Mr. Spacely: CoffNast